Womb Dance Summer Tour in Co!

Ooo dear women what an amazing gift it was to meet each of you and share in the dance of womanhood with you.
Love getting down in the mud with you in festival life. Feet to the earth connecting into the river of the womb!
Red tents, circles and dances! Such a full summer. I am still implementing all the amazing discoveries we made together. Each woman is so wise and brilliant in what she brings to the circle.

Pictures and follow up emails are a comin. I have begun my Fall and Winter tour. Up, up and away to South Dakota, Chicago, the Catskills, Pennsylvania and Hawaii! Good times to come and a whole lot of dancin and prayin.

Please join us for WOMB Dance this November and if your on route send over a line and we will schedule in a stop over in your community to bring a lil Womb love to you and your sisters.

See you soon beauty. 


  1. I have never heard about womb dance before, but if it helps boost fertility it seems worth trying. I hope it helps all women going through this issue.

  2. Woah, womb dance this is something really new to me and I really want to see some video of this also share that too, dance really develops my interest honestly.

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I am looking forward to hearing your response !


Join us for a Pause...Just breath, You deserve to think and do nothing for this moment. Blessings on your day.